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"Stone Cold", HBK and Mick Foley make a surprise appearance: WrestleMania 32 on WWE Network
Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley Suprise Appearances - WrestleMania 32
FULL SEGMENT — The Rock, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan kick off WrestleMania 30
Wrestlemania 32 - HBK, Mick Foley, and Austin Entrances
WrestleMania 32 - Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin return LIVE
John Cena returns to join forces with The Rock: WrestleMania 32 on WWE Network
Stone Cold return to WWE Raw 25th anniversary (lmmortal)
45 minutes of WrestleMania returns: WWE Playlist
Raw: Triple H crosses paths with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin
Live reaction // Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels and Mick Foley return at WrestleMania 32
The Rock returns to help Mick Foley against Evolution: Raw, March 1, 2004
"Stone Cold", HBK und Mick Foley haben einen Überraschungsauftritt: WrestleMania 32